Now first things first. No one can predict the future of SEO, however, we can make a good prediction at what it might look like by looking at the past and observing the evolution of search algorithms.

SEO has gone through many transformations … take a quick look at Google’s major algorithm changes.

  • In 2011 we had Panda – This was all about onsite quality, penalising such things as low quality and duplicate content.
  • In 2012 we had Penguin – This was used to address unnatural backlinks.
  • In 2013 we had Hummingbird – Now this wasn’t just an algorithm change, it was a complete change to how the algorithm worked. Hummingbird was all about better understanding the user’s query and also started taking into consideration social voice and influence.
  • In 2015 we had the Mobile-Friendly Update – This was designed to increase signal strength on the quality of mobile friendly sites.

Ok, so enough of going through the changes. The point is, Google changes the algorithm frequently with major releases and who knows how many tweaks. We can safely say what works today will not necessarily work tomorrow.  It evolves to allow Google to deliver its ultimate goal.

‘’Our goal is to get you to the answer that you’re looking for faster, creating a nearly seamless connection between you and the knowledge that you seek’’ – Ben Gomes, Google Fellow

Now let’s look ahead.

The Brand Top Level Domain (TLD), such as .APPLE, .NIKE and .BMW, is an entirely new Internet phenomenon. As big brands work to understand them and how teams can innovate to deliver customer focused use-cases, they will increasingly deploy and create better, more trusted user experiences. Test and learn campaigns are happening now.

As Brand TLD behaviour becomes more prevalent, it would not be unreasonable to predict future algorithms will see authority given to Brand TLDs. After all, the purpose of a Brand TLD is to create trust with customers (searchers) and provide focused content and experiences to specific audiences. Taking this into consideration, it is perfectly aligned with Google’s goal, and as such will begin to drive Google algorithm changes to meet the goal.

Brand TLDs are starting to roll out with innovative use cases designed to improve the user experience. So even if Google is not using the Brand TLD as a heavily weighted algorithm signal today, they are most certainly to do so tomorrow. Google did not change its algorithm when social emerged or when the first smart phones hit the market but they do incorporate social and mobile signals in their algorithm today. The Internet is dynamic. Brand TLDs are expected to be one of the largest transformations the Internet has ever seen.  Brand TLDs are authentic, authoritative, trusted, secure and fully in brand control without the infringement challenges compared to other TLDs.

At Authentic Web, our view is that Brand TLDs will become the anchor ecosystem where leading brand marketers will deliver trusted and elegant user experiences.

Watch out for our next post, where we provide 3 ways you can use a Brand TLD for SEO purposes.

Thanks for checking in.