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Domains, DNS, and TLS Certificates

Issues, challenges, and best practices to help organizations manage and secure their domain and DNS networks.
A Strong Case for Business Process Management Improvements
A Strong Case for Business Process Management Improvements →

Corporate domain management is all about business process. Many organizations admit their business processes are broken and in need of an overhaul.

A Systems-based approach to Corporate Domain Management →

Corporate domain management is painful, but it needn’t be. New best practices and modern systems eliminate manual processes, cost, and effort while locking down security exposure that places enterprise at risk.

Domain Management Pain: Governance, Compliance and Cost of Ownership →

Corporate domains are held in ever-growing portfolios for years. These critical, digital assets demand ongoing governance and compliance at increasing cost, effort and IT security risk. Stakeholders charged with these tasks need better tools and practices.

Why IT suffers most through the Domain, DNS and SSL Lifecycle →

One a new domain is registered it falls on IT (network operations and InfoSec) to manage the domain through its end-to-end lifecycle. IT bears the brunt of high cost, manually intensive processes that are fraught with known security risks to the enterprise.

Front-end Domain Management Pain: Originators, approvers and registrars →

Corporate domain management pain starts with the people that request and approve domains. Process flaws in this critical, initiate step launch an ongoing lifecycle of high cost, effort ,and IT security risks that can be avoided.

The Pain of Corporate Domain Management →

Domain management is a long lifecycle task that impacts numerous stakeholders throughout an organization. As domain portfolios grow in size, operations staff in multiple departments are facing pain in terms of costs, work effort, and IT security risks.