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DNS Security and Compliance

Enterprise domain portfolios and DNS networks are under attack with increasing frequency and impact. Domain and DNS management is often a shared responsibility. Without end-to-end ownership and governance, no one is responsible to ensure proper DNS hygiene and security. Operational and system silos make it practically impossible to enforce DNS security policies. Bad actors know this and use the DNS as a primary attack vector.

We can help
DNS Security and Compliance

IT security breaches invariably occur at known points of weakness.

Enterprise domain and DNS networks are specifically targeted by cyber criminals for this very reason. The DNS is a quasi-public infrastructure, open to numerous vectors of attack. Sadly, the majority of enterprise organizations continue to manage their domain and DNS networks with outdated, manual processes. This makes network compromise all too easy for malicious players. Eliminating the security risks to your domain and DNS network starts with understanding the vulnerabilities and management practices that make organizations a too-easy target.

Enterprise domain and DNS networks are specifically targeted by cyber criminals


An automated domain and DNS security system secures your DNS network and ensures ongoing compliance to keep it that way. By eliminating manual processes, new IT staff efficiencies bring increased performance to your operation.
Security Securing a DNS network isn’t easy. Having hundreds (or thousands) of domains, each with multiple zone file settings, virtually guarantees errors and omissions. Security comes from gaining visibility to your entire network and exercising unified control over it. An automated, systems-based approach makes DNS security easy.
Compliance Securing your domain and DNS network is only a point in time occurrence. Domains and the DNS constantly change state, making real-time compliance essential. A systems-based approach establishes DNS security, and ensures it over time.
Performance Traditional tools to establish and maintain DNS network security simply aren’t working. Manual point-in-time audits, administrative personnel, and manual processes are blunt instruments at best. Automated systems take the human factors out of domain and DNS security. Better security with fewer expended resources means increased performance.

Domain & DNS security webinar

Our CEO, Peter LaMantia explains in this short video why enterprise Domain and DNS security issues persist and what to do about it. The punch line is simple. Organizations manage domains and DNS manually with siloed disconnected systems first implemented 20 years ago. Watch the webinar →
Domain & DNS security webinar

Domain & DNS security resources

Platform Gain complete control of your Domain Assets and DNS If you manage your domains with spreadsheet lists, email ticketing, forms, and multiple vendor portals, it’s time to rethink and retool!
Learn about DNAM →
Blog post Effective DNS Security Starts With These 4 Best Practices Few organizations deny the importance of protecting the DNS, yet the challenges of managing and securing domain name systems leave organizations at risk of attack.
Read post →
One pager Is your domain and dns network secure from cyber‑threats Complete our IT Security Checklist in just a few minutes and see for yourself.
Download the checklist →

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