Brand Registries aka dotBrands are new Internet entities. Over 500 brands are beginning to rollout, with more brand use case evidence every month. Most C-Levels have yet to fully comprehend what they are, what the digital implications are and how the Brand Registry will add value to improve the P&L.

To the C-Level bystander, Brand Registries appear to be simply a new set of domain names offering nice branding elements but the domain budget is already bloated with protection initiatives, so we do not need more domain names. Taken a step further they are a different way to create new naming conventions that may offer incremental benefits to website structures but we already have well established structures and it is difficult to change, so why bother?

If you read this blog, you may agree that they are much, much more. Brand Registries will change brand digital identities and engagement forever. They offer new technical and branding capabilities as a platform for innovation, clear difference with security, authenticity and trust attributes. In the expanding name space, Brand Registries are unique.

Last week I saw a slide from Gartner, “Technology Priorities for CIOs in 2016.”   It was striking how each priority has relevance to the new capabilities and opportunities of the Brand Registry, so I thought I would share. I highlight below how the Brand Registry can become the enterprise platform anchor for CIO offices to bind their technology priorities together over the long-run. Long-run is a rare attribute in technology. What could be better; owned, secure and the most effective brand labelling machine that has ever existed.

Here are Gartner’s priorities and highlighted relevance to the new Brand Registry as a digital anchor:

  1. BI / Analytics
    Proprietary data source at the root of the internet. BI integration to push/pull data for execution automation and digital intelligence.
  2. Cloud
    Anchor on the registry. Connect to BI, CMS and other cloud services which evolve over time. The Brand Registry platform is the constant.
  3. Mobile
    Authenticate users to consume trusted services and push concise brand messages for better engagement.
  4. Digitization / Marketing
    Branded message clarity. Trusted, timely and relevant. Blank canvas.
  5. Infrastructure / Data Center
    Hub of brand public and private networks. Lock down DNS traffic.
  6. ERP
    Integrate to extend the enterprise to people and machines:   IoT +
  7. Security
    A new security layer on the DNS to communicate and deliver services.
  8. Industry Specific Applications
    Run them on a brand owned and trusted ecosystem.
  9. CRM
    Identity creation and engagement. Gain affinity to stem churn and create advocacy as a growth engine.
  10. Network
    DNS infrastructure control, security and performance.

The Internet is changing. Brand Registries offer significant new technical and branding capabilities for the enterprise. Share this with your CIO and educate your CMO.