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Domains, DNS, and TLS Certificates

Security, Compliance and Performance. These are great sounding words and every IT executive worth their paycheck is all over them. So why do large, sophisticated companies keep experiencing catastrophic domain and DNS-related outages again and again? See how major brands like Sorenson Telecom, Equifax and even Microsoft suffered domain-downtime and loss of customer goodwill.
Over 50% of Top Global Sites Now on HTTPS
Over 50% of Top Global Sites Now on HTTPS →

Half of the top one million sites in the world are now using HTTPS, in a boost for global web security, according to a leading researcher.

Sunrise DNS over TLS, sunset DNSSEC?
Sunrise DNS over TLS, sunset DNSSEC? →

Edwards Snowden’s revelations about the NSA’s widespread surveillance and pervasive monitoring started a large number of initiatives to advance security and privacy of standards.

Scammers target crisis-hit TSB: here’s what the bank will never ask you over the phone
Scammers target crisis-hit TSB: here’s what the bank will never ask you over the phone →

The number of TSB customers targeted by phishing scams has grown tenfold in May as criminals continue to take advantage of the bank’s IT failure.

Massive phishing campaign targets half a billion users in the first quarter 2018
Massive phishing campaign targets half a billion users in the first quarter 2018 →

A massive phishing campaign has targeted more than 550 million email users globally since the first quarter of 2018.

Cryptocurrency Heist: BGP Leak Masks Ether Theft
Cryptocurrency Heist: BGP Leak Masks Ether Theft →

Essential Internet Infrastructure – DNS, BGP – Remains Vulnerable, Experts Warn

How I exploited ACME TLS-SNI-01 issuing Let’s Encrypt SSL-certs for any domain using shared hosting
How I exploited ACME TLS-SNI-01 issuing Let’s Encrypt SSL-certs for any domain using shared hosting →

Let’s Encrypt started in November 2014 as an initiative created by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). The idea behind it was to create a certificate authority that provides free SSL certificates using an automated process.