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Domains, DNS, and TLS Certificates

Security, Compliance and Performance. These are great sounding words and every IT executive worth their paycheck is all over them. So why do large, sophisticated companies keep experiencing catastrophic domain and DNS-related outages again and again? See how major brands like Sorenson Telecom, Equifax and even Microsoft suffered domain-downtime and loss of customer goodwill.
How to secure your organisation’s digital identity
How to secure your organisation’s digital identity →

Digital brand trust is constantly threatened by DNS attacks. Here’s how to defend against them.

Securing the DNS layer to increase resilience
Securing the DNS layer to increase resilience →

Internet security is an increasing concern for businesses, and while IT software and applications can be protected by antivirus software and endpoint security software solutions, DNS protection requires a different approach.

How to Protect Your Domain Name System From Hijacking
How to Protect Your Domain Name System From Hijacking →

Unprecedented, large scale DNS hijackings have swept government and commercial organizations in 2019. Learn how to successfully defend against this threat.

Three ways IT can mitigate DNS security threats: A guide
Three ways IT can mitigate DNS security threats: A guide →

You may think your domain name system is secure. But have you peeked under the hood recently? If you have, you may have seen the metaphorical tangle of wires and junk clogging up the system and quickly backed away, hoping that nothing will catch fire.

Starbucks Abandons Azure Site, Exposed Subdomain to Hijacking
Starbucks Abandons Azure Site, Exposed Subdomain to Hijacking →

An oversight from Starbucks exposed one of its subdomains to takeover threat, which could be further leveraged in attacks against customers and the company.

Recent DNS Hijacking Campaigns Trigger Government Action
Recent DNS Hijacking Campaigns Trigger Government Action →

A recent spate of attacks targeting domain name system protocols and registrars, including several incidents that researchers believe have ties to nation-state espionage, is prompting the U.S. and U.K. governments to issues warnings and policy updates to improve security.