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Domains, DNS, and TLS Certificates

Security, Compliance and Performance. These are great sounding words and every IT executive worth their paycheck is all over them. So why do large, sophisticated companies keep experiencing catastrophic domain and DNS-related outages again and again? See how major brands like Sorenson Telecom, Equifax and even Microsoft suffered domain-downtime and loss of customer goodwill.
Coalitions vs. Communities and new top level domain names →

An analysis for the “Community” designation for new gTLD applications, highlighting how the designation is flawed depending on your definition of “community”.

ICANN CEO Farewell Letter Overlooks Innovation →

A critique of Fadi Chehadé, ICANN’s CEO’s farewell letter – stating that ICANN has not done enough to foster innovation at the Top Level. Innovation at the Top Level is an area that Authentic Web is focused on.

New gTLD Add Over 1 Million Domain Registrations in Just Last 5 Days →

A short article by The Domains on the growth of new gTLD registrations topping 1 million over a 5 day period.

The ‘Not-Com’ Branding Trend →

A point of view on why brands such as Kanye West, Oprah, Apple, Amazon, Sony, Barclays, General Motors, Marriott, McDonalds and Taco Bell are using new gTLDs.

CENTR Reports There Are 311.5 Million Domains In The World →

A report by CENTR, the Council of European National Top level Domain Registries, on the number of Top Level Domain registrations in the world, the number of legacy TLDs, country TLDs and new gTLDs.

A Beginner’s Guide to Domain Name Management →

Hubspot offers a quick guide on corporate domain portfolio management and recommends that corporations manage their domain names in-house as opposed to outsourcing to third-party agency.