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Domains, DNS, and TLS Certificates

Security, Compliance and Performance. These are great sounding words and every IT executive worth their paycheck is all over them. So why do large, sophisticated companies keep experiencing catastrophic domain and DNS-related outages again and again? See how major brands like Sorenson Telecom, Equifax and even Microsoft suffered domain-downtime and loss of customer goodwill.
Does Moving to a New gTLD Domain Name Help Rankings?
Does Moving to a New gTLD Domain Name Help Rankings? →

An updated analysis of the interaction between the new gTLDs and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) by Bill Hartzer, an SEO expert based in Houston.

Athletes move to new TLD websites →

6 NBA and NFL players are moving their websites to new TLD domains.

Politics Imperil the Bold Plan to Wrest the Internet From US Control →

Great article on how politics has and could still stand in the way of transitioning IANA’s DNS control from the US government to the International community. If IANA’s transition proposal does not move forward this could further segregate populations groups in China, Russia and beyond.

.BANK Success Story: Citizens National Bank →

A case study by fTLD about Citizens National Bank’s transition to a .BANK domain name.

How new domains are building better brands →

URL shortener provider Bitly claim a 34% CTR increase with a branded domain vs. a generic domain.

How Your Domain Name Will Impact SEO & Social Media Marketing →

Great article with tips on selecting a domain name that is brandable, converts well and includes a keyword.