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Domains, DNS, and TLS Certificates

Security, Compliance and Performance. These are great sounding words and every IT executive worth their paycheck is all over them. So why do large, sophisticated companies keep experiencing catastrophic domain and DNS-related outages again and again? See how major brands like Sorenson Telecom, Equifax and even Microsoft suffered domain-downtime and loss of customer goodwill.
Not dot-com: 8 companies saying yes to new domain extensions →

In this Radix Registry sponsored article posted on The Next Web, the author highlights 8 companies such as Barclays and F1 racing using a new gTLD.

Why You Should Use Unique Domain Names for Shortcuts and Microsites →

Jeff Sass, .CLUB’s CMO, offers advice to brands on how to increase content engagement using catchy new gTLD domains.

New Top Level Domain Industry First Half 2016 Analysis & Insights (Infographic) →

Christa Taylor from Dot TBA provides a financial analysis of the new gTLD market.

From defensive to strategic domain registrations →

Most domain names owned by corporations are defensive registrations. Boston Ivy offers a new strategic perspective on how domains can be used by marketing and strategic terms to grow the business.

WordPress reveals IT bought .blog for $19 million →

An analysis of the .BLOG acquisition by Wordpress’ parent company Automatic for $19 million and their stealth approach.

The creator of WordPress on why .blog was worth $19 million →

This is an interview with Matt Mullenweg on why they felt .BLOG was worth the $19 million investment.