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Brand Top-Level Domains

LifetotheFullest.Abbott: Incorporating a New gTLD into a Brand Campaign →

FairWinds Partners comments on Abbott’s use of their .abbott brand registry for their new online property with comments from Dirk Hoerter, Abbott’s Director of Digital Marketing.

Larry Page was held back by Google execs from flooding world with new dot-word domains →

Great article on Google’s involvement in the new TLDs and how Larry Page, Google’s co-founder was forced to drop many of its new TLD applications, pressured by other Google Executives.

BNP Paribas, world’s fourth-largest bank, switches to dot-brand gTLD →

An explanation of how BNP Paribas, the fourth largest bank in the world with assets of $2.7 trillion, is making the transition from their legacy TLDs (.com, .net etc.) to their .bnpparibas brand registry.

Barclays confirms move away from .com to new gTLD →

A brief account of Barclays bank move from .com to its .barclays and .barclaycard brand registry domains.

Barclays adds extra security through domain name switch →

With a 48% rise in the amount of money stolen from online banks in the UK, Barclays hopes that a switch from .uk and com to .barclays will tighten their cybersecurity efforts. Anyone can register but only Barclays can register a .barclays domain.

Barclays ditches dot com in favour of proprietary domains →

A very brief report about Barclays move to their .barclays and barclaycard brand registry domains with a highlighted quote from Barclays CIO.