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Curated Press on Domain and DNS Compromises To help our web audience better understand DNS related security exposures and compliance gaps this curated article page is dedicated to educating business leaders, IT and infrastructure teams. The more we understand the exposures, the better we can prevent them.
Source: Healthcare Info Security Cryptocurrency Heist: BGP Leak Masks Ether Theft

Essential Internet Infrastructure – DNS, BGP – Remains Vulnerable, Experts Warn

Source: detectify labs How I exploited ACME TLS-SNI-01 issuing Let’s Encrypt SSL-certs for any domain using shared hosting

Let’s Encrypt started in November 2014 as an initiative created by the Internet Security Research Group (ISRG). The idea behind it was to create a certificate authority that provides free SSL certificates using an automated process.

Source: Krebs On Security Look-Alike Domains and Visual Confusion

How good are you at telling the difference between domain names you know and trust and impostor or look-alike domains?

Hackers are flooding the internet with more fake domain names.

A new report released Wednesday shows the use of fake internet domain names to trick consumers into giving up personal information is more widespread than experts originally thought.

Trustico website goes dark after someone drops critical flaw on Twitter

Transport Layer Security is an excellent security protocol, however, the integrity requires the chain of trust to be unbroken. Unfortunately, people cause a problem when they mishandle private keys. Read about 23,000 certificates that had to be revoked because the chain of trust was compromised.

Domain Theft Strands Thousands of Web Sites

Newtek Business Services Corp. [NASDAQ:NEWT], a Web services conglomerate that operates more than 100,000 business Web sites and some 40,000 managed technology accounts, had several of its core domain names stolen over the weekend. The theft shut off email and stranded Web sites for many of Newtek’s customers.

Hackers Hijack DNS Server of BlackWallet to Steal $400,000

Unknown hackers (or hacker) have hijacked the DNS server for, a web-based wallet application for the Stellar Lumen cryptocurrency (XLM), and has stolen over $400,000 from users’ accounts.

Source: Bleeping Computer Hackers Hijack DNS Server of Crypto-to-Crypto Exchange EtherDelta

Cryptocurrency exchange EtherDelta, announced it suffered a security breach in a series of tweets posted online last night.

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