NEW! DNS Inspector is an automated testing system that reveals your infrastructure security vulnerabilities. Learn how it works →
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Corporate Domain Software

Corporate domain software that efficiently delivers a single pane of glass.

Consolidate domains, DNS, and TLS certificates and secure your enterprise data.
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Empower teams with domain software that controls visibility and automates systems to improve security, compliance, and performance.

Using a single control hub, we integrate domain management, DNS, and TLS certificate platforms to solve your domain-related change management problems.
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The problem is process

Domain, DNS, and certificate management problems are due to ungoverned manual processes through the domain lifecycle.
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DNS network and data security
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Change management compliance
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Team and Digital Performance
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Easy for teams

The DNS underpins every enterprise digital service

Yet, Domain and DNS audits reveal compliance gaps in the enforcement of security policies. Digitally transformed enterprises will not be able to manage change manually. A recent audit of over 20,000 domains across dozens of companies reveals common security and compliance issues.
Get insight into the top-six DNS enterprise problems and how to correct them.

Simplify by consolidating your domains and DNS

Make domain and DNS consolidation a priority.
Empower your IT team to protect data by consolidating assets to Authentic Web’s modern control system.Get the benefits of enterprise-grade domain registrar services, best-in-class Managed DNS, secondary DNS, TLS certificate management and DNS automation tools under one change management system.
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Trusted by global enterprises


Take your corporate domain management and security to the next level.

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We research, publish, and curate resources of interest to brand stakeholders responsible for domain and DNS management.
White paper A CISO Brief: Why your Enterprise is Exposed on the DNS Lack of functional ownership over domain and external DNS security, combined with a lack of unified control systems to enforce DNS security policies are the top factors that expose your company and customers to external DNS vulnerabilities.
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White paper M&A Guide to Assess and Consolidate Domain Assets and DNS Networks Assessing and consolidating domains and DNS providers are crucial “pre” and “post” M&A deal priorities. You are not only buying the valuable assets, you are also buying the cyber security risk.
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White paper Your Corporate Domain Portfolio 7 Best Practices For Success Over 75% of all IT directors surveyed say that managing domains is “a total pain.” This paper offers seven implementable best practices to set you and your domain portfolio on a happier course.
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