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M&A Due Diligence Executives

When you buy a company, you’re also acquiring their DNS network security risks.

Corporate domains are valuable digital assets to be factored into any M&A deal. Domains run on the DNS, a highly insecure public platform that is largely unknown, even to the selling party. M&A teams need to quickly and easily assess the Domains & DNS networks they’re buying, to maximize investment returns and mitigate security risk.
When you buy a company, you’re also acquiring their <span>DNS network security risks.</span>

Acquiring domains and DNS networks is costly and risky

Acquiring domains and DNS networks is costly and risky. M&A due diligence teams lack the tools they need to inspect and integrate these assets.
Pre-deal DNS network due diligenceBuying domain and DNS assets invites all their security risks. Auditing these assets, pre-deal, is difficult without tools. Manual audits are costly and ineffective.
Post-deal Domain & DNS IntegrationBringing 3rd party domains and DNS networks into your organization is a huge and costly effort. It’s easy to miss details that can trigger security problems.
Managing the combined assetsAfter several M&A deals, organizations are burdened with multiple domain registrars and managed DNS services. It’s a complex and costly way to operate.

3 ways to reduce security risks and costs when acquiring domain assets and DNS networks

  1. Pre-deal audit,
  2. Domain & DNS integration,
  3. Domain & DNS management
DNS Inspector
DNS InspectorDelivering security vulnerability visibility to your external DNS from a malicious actor’s viewpoint.
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Domain and DNS ConsolidationThe best way to simplify and secure your domain and DNS management operation is to consolidate domain registrars, managed DNS services, and TLS certificate providers.
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Domain Name Asset ManagerDNAM™ is a unified, integrated control system for managing domains, DNS and TLS certificates. It’s an easier way to secure and manage corporate domains and the DNS.
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White paperM&A Guide to Assess and Consolidate Domain Assets and DNS NetworksAssessing and consolidating domains and DNS providers are crucial “pre” and “post” M&A deal priorities. You are not only buying the valuable assets, you are also buying the cyber security risk. Download paper →
White paper9 TLS and DNS Risks to Enterprise Security and ComplianceOver 75% of all IT directors surveyed say that managing domains is “a total pain.” This paper offers seven implementable best practices to set you and your domain portfolio on a happier course. Download paper →
White paperYour Corporate Domain Portfolio 7 Best Practices For SuccessOver 75% of all IT directors surveyed say that managing domains is “a total pain.”ther corporate stakeholders like marketing, brand management and domain admins aren’t much happier. This paper offers seven implementable best practices to set you and your domain portfolio on a happier course. Download paper →

Contact Us

Connect with an expert. We’ll discuss your domain asset and DNS management situation and recommend helpful improvements where we can.